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2020 Update to UK OELs

UK Health and Safety Executive has released an updated list of hazardous substance workplace exposure limits (WELs) for the UK - UK OELs. You can purchase a hard copy (£18) or download a free copy at HSE's website at the link below.

This latest version of EH40/2005 ‘Workplace exposure limits’ has been updated to include new and revised workplace exposure limits (WELs) as introduced by the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive (EU) 2017/2398 amending Directive (2004/37/EC).

EH40 does not include any active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) OELs. All API occupational health and safety management should begin with a good understanding of the occupational toxicological hazard. There is a lot of poor API hazard assessment out there and consequent business decision making that follows. HPAPI can help you identify reliable resources for biopharmaceutical hazard assessment. Contact us.


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